is a monthly meeting of the trainees, curriculum coordinators
and mentors. The format for this meeting is a very casual
atmosphere with a lot of discussion and team learning.
Trainee-selected topics are discussed in small groups composed
of trainees from different pillars and training sites.
The topics are presented to the group and often written
up into a publication (see attached publications #1 and
#2). In this renewal application, we propose to link the
four international sites together through distance learning
tools such as video conferencing via internet or satellite
communication linkages, a technology PHAC has used for
coordinating activities in Canada and Africa during investigations
of viral hemorrhagic fever outbreaks. PHAC’s National Microbiology
Lab has agreed to serve as the distance learning coordinating
centre. Recently, based on direction from the trainees,
the Infectious Minds study groups have become involved
in developing community partnerships to identify and address
priority research issues. Previous research topics have
included Previous research topics have included; pandemic
influenza, science and the media, HPV vaccination, resurrecting
ancient pathogens, community-acquired MRSA, Canada’s Rift
Valley Fever Virus preparedness, Knowledge translation
in infectious diseases, superbugs and solvent abuse and
ID susceptibility.