Exit interviews and tracking of graduates from the IID&GH
Training Program is done with the assistance of the International
Centre for Infectious Diseases (ICID) which have offered
administrative support for fund raising and tracking.
The graduate survey (see Appendix 1) was performed under
coordinating effort of the ICID. Having an external group
perform the exit interviews and tracking will allow trainees
to provide an honest assessment of the program to an
independent organization. Tracking will be aided by
the development
of a “Where are they now” page on our web page where
can provide updates on their career developments.
The program will be evaluated in each of its components and
as a whole from both a formative and a summative perspective.
To lead the evaluation process, an Evaluation Group will
be created with one faculty representative from each training
site, one trainee representative from each training site,
and two representatives from program partners. One of the
co-applicants will oversee and facilitate the entire evaluation
process. The Evaluation Group will report to the Program
Advisory Committee. The mandate of the Evaluation Group
will be to develop major evaluation decisions such as key evaluation
questions, indicators and data requirements, identify types
of analyses to be undertaken, and the means of sharing
and interpreting findings, and making recommendations for dissemination
and follow-up. The formative aspects of the evaluation
will enable periodic adjustments to the training program.
The summative aspects will help assess the overall impact
of the program. For instance, each of the three courses
will be evaluated by the trainees and the faculty members responsible
for the course. Similarly, the Infectious Minds Scientific
Discussion Group will be evaluated by all participants
on a periodic basis. The research practica will be assessed
by the trainee, the mentor, and the institution where the
practica takes place. Each symposia/retreat will also be
evaluated. Further, the partnership with academic, government,
NGO, and private partners will be periodically assessed.
From an impact perspective, a systematic data collection
process and database will be established to capture information
about each trainee and alumnus in relation to grants submitted,
grants funded, peer reviewed publications, knowledge translation
initiatives, employment and career status, service to participating
NGOs, etc. Further, partners’ information will also be
collected to assess their role in the training program and to evaluate
the potential impact of the training program on their programs.
A series of indicators will be developed to track and compare
training program outcomes. These will be reported to the
Program Advisory Committee and in annual reports to CIHR.